Star-filled Louis Vuitton show unveils East-meets-West aesthetic in collaboration with Kenzo

PARIS (AP) — Celebrities including Bradley Cooper squeezed into Louis Vuitton Tuesday night as the brand transformed the Louvre’s historic heart into a stunning stage for Paris Fashion Week. Outside, limousines clogged the streets, and the crush of onlookers led to tense moments of crowd squishing at the entrance. Inside, the drama continued with Hitchcockian…

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Trump invoked all corners of American history. How might he use them to build his new ‘Golden Age’?

NEW YORK (AP) — He talked of a new Manifest Destiny and a “Golden Age.” He invoked the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. An honor guard appeared with tricorn hats, fifes and drums — all traditional Revolutionary War iconography. Those in attendance heard tunes deployed from the classic American songbook…

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